Cupola Bobber (USA)

Cupola Bobber is a collaboration between the visual artists and performer Stephen Fiehn and Tyler B. Myers. Founded in 2000 they have created four evening length performances, working slowly out of their studio on the west side of Chicago. They have performed in multiple venues and toured internationally. Alongside the evening-length performance work they have made video, durational performance, and published writing. They have been MacDowell Colony fellows, ACE International Fellows at the Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University, have served as visiting artists for SAIC's First Year Program and Goat Island's Summer School and have conducted collaborative performance devising workshops. Cupola Bobbers work “Petitmal” received a Best of PAC/edge award and they won a pair of Nelson Raymond Fellowships from The School of the Art Institute with their BFA's in 2001. The current show titled “The Field, The Mantel”, their fifth, is a commission of the International Schillertage Festival at the Nationaltheatre Mannheim.