Orthographe (I)

Orthographe (Alessandro Panzavolta & Angela Longo) was created in 2004 in Ravenna. Since their beginnings, they have been involved in the creation of art-works that combine visual arts, performance and theatre. The poetics of the company are articulated through a subtraction of gestures, actions and words from contemporary and historical artistic practices, to deliver a praxis that springs from the possibility of not doing rather than doing.
Since 2007 Orthographe have collaborated with sound designer Lorenzo Senni (“Erinnerung”, “Controllo Remoto”, “Fuoco Bianco Su Fuoco Nero”) and photographer Cesare Fabbri (“Un posto sulla Terra”, “Sopravvivenze”, “Controllo Remoto”, “A week of kindness”). In 2007, Orthographe was guest at steirischer herbst with their project “Orthographe de la physionomie en mouvement”.
www.orthographe.it / www.dadaprod.net