Ann Liv Young (USA)

Ann Liv Young
was born on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She is a 2003 graduate of Hollins University’s prestigious dance program and has also studied at Laban Centre London. She was featured in Michael Blackwood’s documentary New York Dance: “States of Performance” (2010). In her work, she has reinterpreted fairy tales, such as “Snow White” (2006–2008) or biographical figures, such as George and Martha Washington (“The Bagwell in Me” 2008–2009), and now, “Cinderella”. Ann Liv Young’s Cinderella is a reinterpretation of the classic fairy tale, inspired by versions as disparate as Disney’s and the macabre Grimm brothers’. It is a figure called Sherry, Young’s southern wildcat alter ego. Sherry, playing all characters, confronts personality extremes of kindness, helplessness, and wickedness in conjunction with the stereotype she deals with most directly in her own life, the aggressive woman. Sherry is a one-woman show, but Ann Liv performed it also in “Girl Monster Orchestra” presented by Chicks on Speed (2010) and recently she let 37 students of the School for New Dance Development (SNDO) Amsterdam take on the personality of Sherry („37 Sherrys“ 2011).