Michikazu Matsune (A/J)

Michikazu Matsune is born in Kobe and lives in Vienna. Matsune is an artist working in and around performance and visual art, developing projects in diverse formats and contexts. He has presented works in various public spaces as well as in galleries, museums, and theatres - involving manifold of cultural and social factors as well as people.
Matsune's projects often appear in unique forms such as a stage performance in sign language (“Zeichensturm”, 2011), a street demonstration by a group of people carrying different statements (“YES AND NO”, 2010), an exhibition of hidden money in gallery (“10 x 100”, 2009), a performative introduction of Japanese culture by people who are not from Japan (“Japanese for Beginners Twisted”, 2009), and an installation of imaginary performances (“I walk backwards for you”, 2006/2010) among many others.
Between 2004 and 2010 Matsune has developed various works in collaboration with David Subal, among others a shop of selling performances (“STORE” by Matsune & Subal, since 2005), a live-installation with horses at the Museumsquartier Vienna (“Ich bin ein Pferd / I am a Horse”, 2007) as well as the performance and video project of standing in 24 capital cities of the world (“One Hour Standing for”, 2008).