
The parallel world of religion in art

73% exhibition
21% religion
6% doubt
Since the beginning of the 21st century, religion has been experiencing an unexpected comeback: 9/11, debates about headscarves, crucifixes and relativism, the cartoon controversies, the grammar of fundamentalism and violence have thrown politics, courts and even intellectual value hierarchies into a state of turmoil. At the same time, the call for values and the often vague fear of “doing away with oneself” is growing louder. But how does current art react to such religious debates?
“Irrealigious!” brings together artistic positions in the intersecting field of belief systems, works that focus as much on revelations as on the vacuum of an unassimilated present, and thus testify to a return of religion in art – a return along the thin line between fear of disoriented secularisation on the one hand and totalitarian theocracies on the other.

  Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten: Irrealigious!    

With 0512 (A), Peter Ablinger (A), Maja Bajevic (BIH/F), Anna & Bernhard Blume (D), Papo Colo (PRI/USA), Danica Dakíc (BIH/D), Marta Deskur (PL), Wilfried Gerstel (A), Hermann Glettler (A), G.R.A.M (A), Christian Jankowski (D), Zenita Komad (A), Korpys/Loeffler (D), Marianne Maderna (A), Muntean/Rosenblum (A/IL), Adrian Paci (AL/I), Hannes Priesch (A/USA), Lidwien van de Ven (NL), Daphna Weinstein (IL/A), Nives Widauer (CH/A)

Curated by Johannes Rauchenberger (A)
Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten
Supported by MONDRIAAN FOUNDATION, Amsterdam and VAH München

Date and Facts

24/09/2011 - 15/01/2012
Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm
Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm

4 / 3 €

Exhibition opening:
Sat 24/09 12 noon

Long Night of Museums

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten